Vehicle Information
- 1 owner for the past 5 years
- Serviced regularly directly at Audi Blainville
- Accident free history with Carfax certification (see pic!)
- 4 brand new 19 inch tires just installed
- Loaded with brown leather, sunroof, bluetooth, parking sensors, 19 inch S4 style wheels, RS4 style front grill, heated electric seats, tinted windows, and more.
- Looks and drives like new!
Retail Price
Trade-In Value of my Vehicle
Loan Balance on Trade-in Vehicle
Down Payment
Interest Rate
Loan Term
Payment Frequency
Include Taxes
Total Loan Amount
Total Interest
Total Cost
*An interest rate of 9.99% was used for this calculation. This rate is for reference purposes only. Interest rates are subject to change and may vary based on numerous factors, among which, the year of the vehicle, its depreciation, the Bank of Canada policy interest rate, and your situation, to name only a few.
**This calculator is offered as an evaluation tool for your personal and educational use only and is not meant to replace professional advice. We offer no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by this calculator and do not guarantee that this calculator will apply, or be accurate, in your situation.
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